
Your privacy is important to us. To find out how we use and process personal information, please click here to view our Privacy Policy and click here to view our Privacy Policy Online Services

Our website contains links to other websites. Please note that we are not responsible for the privacy policies of such other websites and advise you to read the privacy policies of each website you visit which collects personal information.

Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption

Anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies and procedures are in place and apply to the Appleby Group worldwide. These respective policies prohibit the making, offering, promising to make, giving, demanding or accepting a payment or transfer of anything of value or any advantage, including the provision of any service, gift or entertainment on either business’s behalf or on behalf of any client, by all such partners or employees as an inducement for any improper purpose or business advantage which is illegal, unethical or a breach of trust. These policies apply to dealings by our partners or employees with all third parties on our behalf or on behalf of our clients. If we believe that any activities would breach applicable laws or our policies, we reserve the right to terminate the engagement of the Appleby Legal Practice with immediate effect.

Appleby is, in certain circumstances, required by law to report any evidence or suspicion of bribery or corruption. We are also prohibited from notifying our client of the fact that a report has been made. The relevant statutory provisions are aimed at preventing and detecting bribery and corruption.


This web site and its contents are Copyright © 2025 Appleby Global Group Services Limited – All Rights Reserved and are subject to the following terms.

Any person is authorised to view, reproduce, print and distribute the web site pages (the “Pages”) either electronically or otherwise, subject to the conditions that the Pages or any portion of them:

  • may be used only for informational, non-commercial purposes;
  • must include the copyright notice above; and
  • must not be used in a derogatory manner.


The contents of this web site are provided for informational purposes only. There is nothing in this web site that constitutes legal advice. Whilst all reasonable efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of the contents of the web site, information can quickly become out of date due to changing circumstances. The contents are therefore provided “AS IS” and on an “IS AVAILABLE” basis without any representation and without warranty of any kind whether express or implied. Appleby so far as legally permissible disclaim all liability in respect of the information contained in this website.

You are advised to consult a suitably qualified lawyer on any specific legal problem or matter that you might have.

Links to other web sites are provided for your convenience. Appleby is not responsible for the content of these web sites and so far as legally permissible disclaims all liability in respect of such content or any links that they may contain.

Appleby is an organisation of separate entities and legal practices comprising both corporate and partnership form, each established to provide legal services under the Appleby name depending on the jurisdiction in which it is based. Appleby Hong Kong is a general partnership providing legal services. Appleby (Bermuda) Limited, Appleby (BVI) Limited, Appleby (Cayman) Ltd., Appleby (Guernsey) LLP, Appleby (Jersey) LLP, Appleby (Isle of Man) LLC and Appleby Seychelles are all entities with limited liability providing legal services from their relevant jurisdictions. Appleby (JV) Ltd & Cie in Mauritius and its representative office in Shanghai is a commercial partnership providing legal services from their respective jurisdictions.

Trade Marks

The names, images and logos identifying Appleby or third parties and their products and services are proprietary marks of Appleby and/or those third parties. No authority is granted to any third party for the use of those names, images and logos.


Appleby (Guernsey) LLP is a limited liability partnership with registration number 53, incorporated in Guernsey with its registered office at PO Box 56, Hirzel Court, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 3BN

Appleby (Isle of Man) LLC is a limited liability company with company number 000944L incorporated in the Isle of Man with its registered office at 33-37 Athol Street Douglas Isle of Man IM1 1LB where a list of its members is available for inspection.

Appleby (Jersey) LLP is a Jersey registered limited liability partnership. A list of partners is available at

Appleby (Jersey) L.P. is a limited partnership registered under Jersey law. The registered office is PO Box 536, 13-14 Esplanade St Helier, Jersey JE4 5UR. It does not advise on the laws of any jurisdiction. References such as ‘Partner Appleby (Jersey) L.P.’ throughout this site and in documents issued under the Appleby brand are to individuals who are Limited Partners of Appleby (Jersey) L.P.. The General Partner of Appleby (Jersey) L.P. is Appleby Jersey Service Company Limited, a company incorporated in Jersey.

Appleby Global Services


Appleby Global Corporate Services (Bermuda) Ltd

Appleby Global Corporate Services (Bermuda) Ltd is regulated and licensed to provide Corporate Services by the Bermuda Monetary Authority.

Registered in: Bermuda
Company Number: 54126
Registered office: Suite 504, Canons Court, 22 Victoria Street Hamilton HM12, Bermuda
Telephone: +1 441 608 3300



Appleby Global Services (Cayman) Limited

Appleby Global Services (Cayman) Limited is regulated by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority.

Registered in: Cayman
Company Number: CR-340794
Registered Office: 71 Fort Street, PO Box 500, Grand Cayman, KY1-1106, Cayman Islands
Telephone: +1 441 608 3300


Hong Kong

Appleby Global Services (Hong Kong) Limited

Appleby Global Services (Hong Kong) Limited is licensed by the Companies Registry to carry on a company service business in Hong Kong.

Registered in: Hong Kong
Company Number: 2730730
Registered Office: Level 23, One Island East, 18 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong



Appleby Global Services (Jersey) Limited

Appleby Global Services (Jersey) Limited is regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission.

Registered in: Jersey
Company Number: 127134
Registered Office: PO Box 536, 13-14 Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 5UR
Telephone: +44 (0)1534 763000