HHJ Mithani KC is a leading academic in the field of insolvency and company law, best known for his work “Mithani: Directors Disqualification.”  He was appointed a KC honoris causa in 2009, in recognition of his contribution to the development of insolvency, company and succession law.  In 1994, he authored ‘Islamic Wills’, a text which explores the interaction of English succession law with Sharia Law.  He has also contributed to Encyclopedia of Forms and Precedents, Atkin’s Court Forms and Kelly’s Draftsman, all in the field of personal and corporate insolvency, company law and wills and trusts.

HHJ Mithani most recently sat as the designated Civil Judge for Warwick and the West Midlands and serves (or has served) as a Visiting Professor to Birmingham, Newcastle and Kingston Universities.  He is the holder of a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society of Asian Lawyers, was awarded the first ever “Asian Jewel Award,” and was appointed by the UK Court Service as a Diversity and Community Relations Judge.  His fields of academic interest are a perfect match for the work of the Court which consists substantially of corporate and insolvency litigation, increasingly with succession disputes, some of which have a Middle Eastern component.

Key Contacts

Andrew Willins

Partner: BVI

T +1 284 393 5323
E Email Andrew

Daniel Mitchell

Partner: BVI

T +1 284 393 5306
E Email Daniel

Tamara Cameron

Counsel: BVI

T +1 284 393 5344
E Email Tamara

Laure-Astrid Wigglesworth

Senior Associate: BVI

T +1 284 393 5336
E Email Laure-Astrid

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