Nine Rising Stars, all under the age of 30, were recognised by The Bermudian Magazine.

See below Kiara’s interview with the magazine.


Age: 29
Position: Associate, Dispute Resolution
Employer: Appleby
Education: Bachelors (Hons) Criminology, Kingston University; Graduate Diploma in Law, BPP Law School (London); Bar Professional Training Course, BPP Law School (London); LLM, BPP Law School (London); Admitted to the Bar of England and Wales in 2021; Admitted to the Bermuda Bar in 2022

What drives you to succeed?

There are a combination of factors that define my personal route to success—those are competency, reputation and impact. Every day I strive to be more competent than I was the day before. Reputation is everything and can lead to recognition in the community, opportunities for career advancement and a strong professional network. Lastly, lawyers are able to influence societal change through landmark cases, advocacy, policy work, etc. Being able to make an impact in some way, shape or form is a motivator of mine.

Are there certain words you live by?

Remain present! Appreciate the moment as a unique and valuable opportunity.

What are you most grateful for?

My support system. Their unwavering support allows me to strike a healthy balance between working as a lawyer while conquering motherhood.

What do you do to unwind at the end of the day?

Spend time with my new little family. They ground me and remind me that family is most important and irreplaceable.

Where do you see yourself in ten years?

A partner at a law firm, a subject matter expert, a great mentor, a pillar in my community and the best mom I can possibly be.

What advice would you give your younger self?

You are good enough. Never change who you are to fit someone’s idea of who/what they would like you to be. I would also tell myself that lawyers can look like me and be successful and that the two are not mutually exclusive.

What is the best part about working in your industry?

The continuous learning environment. No two days are the same, especially in litigation.

Why did you choose to be a part of this industry?

My outgoing personality coupled with my strong intellect and desire to challenge everything led me to believe I would be a great lawyer.

What is the best part about working for your company?

The ability to learn from the best of the best. The easy access to some of the best lawyers on the island is a benefit that I recognise I have and am very grateful for.

Who at your company has helped you the most?

I am lucky enough to work in a department where everyone has supported my professional journey in one way or another. My (official and unofficial) dispute resolution mentors have always been very supportive of my professional development and growth since I started with Appleby. When I began my pupilage in the dispute resolution department, I was warmly welcomed by partner and practice group head John Wasty, who facilitated an experience that allowed me to work with every member of the team to become a well-versed lawyer at an early stage of my career.

What do you consider to be your greatest achievement to date?

Personally, being a great mother. Professionally, being called to the bar in multiple jurisdictions.

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