Appleby Listing Sponsor Services

Appleby is a leading Listing Sponsor with TISE. We assist domestic and international entities looking for a primary or secondary listing on TISE, acting as our client’s liaison with TISE.

We provide a professional and integrated service, coordinating the listing process and supporting the issuer through its application. We also act as our client’s ongoing listing sponsor and assist them in meeting the issuer’s continuing obligations as a listed issuer on TISE. Our listings team is highly regarded for their expertise in supporting clients through the listing process.

The International Stock Exchange

TISE is a regulated marketplace from within the European time zone but outside the European Union. TISE is a “Recognised Stock Exchange” by UK HM Revenue & Customs. Today there are more than 3,100 securities listed on TISE. The majority of listings on TISE are for specialist debt securities (including Eurobonds and High Yield Bonds) but TISE can also list other types of securities, such as REITs, Green Bonds, other investment vehicles and equity listings.

For more information on TISE please do get in touch with your usual Appleby contact.

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