Why the development of a secondary market will transform ILS
The ILS market has become an increasingly important feature in the risk transfer landscape in recent...

Working (Remotely) 9 to 5 (-ish)
In the past few weeks, more employees than ever before have been forced to work remotely, whether fr...

Duties and Liabilities of Directors of Bermuda companies
During the challenging economic environment created by the COVID-19 pandemic, directors need to be e...

COVID-19 – Signing of Wills in Jersey
Jersey law is not alone in having strict rules regarding the execution of wills. Except in the case ...

Annual General Meetings and Social Distancing Restrictions in Asia
Various countries around the world have imposed social distancing restrictions in order to prevent t...

Collateralised insurer class lets ILS funds target broader cedent base
Bermuda’s latest addition to its insurance-linked securities (ILS) offering is the much discussed ...

COVID-19 and the Mauritius Justice System: How will this pandemic affect court work?
The coronavirus pandemic of 2020 has affected every aspect of our lives. Humankind is facing a globa...

COVID-19’s impact on AGMs – Strategies to Consider
This article considers the legal and practical issues of each option to assist companies that are gr...

Dividends in COVID-19 financial landscape
As Covid-19 sweeps across the globe, many companies are choosing to retract, suspend or reduce divid...

Shareholder activism during COVID-19
A number of global businesses use Bermuda as their jurisdiction of choice. COVID-19 is continuing to...

Structured Credit in the PRC and Hong Kong
Structured finance is a financial instrument whereby an asset, such as a bond, or a pool of assets, ...